Tasmania's public land deer hunting ballot now open

The Tasmanian public land deer hunting ballot for the 2022 stag season opened this week and will close on 15 January 2022.

This ballot will cover the stag (buck) season only. Antlerless deer hunting on public land will be allocated through the online booking system in February 2022.

Hunting groups wishing to enter the ballot must complete the online application form to be considered for the 2022 ballot.

Each group must nominate a hunting party leader who enters the ballot once on behalf of the group.

Successful ballot permit holders must adhere to permit conditions and, to ensure hunter safety, all hunters on Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) and Hydro Tasmania (HT) managed land must wear some form of hi-visibility/blaze orange clothing to be more identifiable to other hunting parties.

Some reserves will be closed to hunting for certain periods to minimise habitat disturbance during breeding season for some species.

During the 2022 season, hunting will be authorised on the following Reserves:

  • Great Western Tiers Conservation Area;
  • Top Marshes Conservation Area;
  • Five Mile Pinnacles Conservation Area;
  • Central Plateau Conservation Area: Brenton Rivulet block (PWS) and Mother Lord Plains block (HT);
  • Great Western Tiers Conservation Area: Parson & Clerk Mountain Block (PWS);
  • Great Lake Conservation Area: Tumbledown Creek block (PWS) and land known as Gunns Marsh surrounding Gunns Lake and Little Lake (HT);
  • Tooms Lake Conservation Area;
  • Buxton River Conservation Area, and
  • Castle Cary Regional Reserve.

More details on the NRE website.