Santa brings State Forests to NSW R-Licence hunters

NSW DPI have given hunters an early Christmas present with the long awaited announcement of several State Forests re-opening to hunting. 

DPI continue to work with Forestry Corporation of NSW to get forests reopened to hunting after being temporarily closed due to last summer’s bushfires.

Earlier this month, Riamukka, Nowendoc and Tomalla State Forests in Northern NSW were reopened and from 1 January 2021 the following State Forests will reopen to hunting:

• Newnes State Forest

• Severn State Forest

• Giro State Forest

• Woomargama State Forest

• Bolaro State Forest

• Girard State Forest

• Bourbah State Forest

• Cargelligo State Forest

• Corringle State Forest

• Wallaroo State Forest (Bow hunting only)

• Mount Tilga State Forest (Bow hunting only)

Keep an eye on DPI's ‘Where Can I Hunt?’ page to find out what forests are declared and open to hunting